Thursday, April 23, 2009

Father Jim Hickey

A  couple of weeks back I was reminded of how we pass things on, darkness and lightness. 
The lightness looks after itself, joy is not a problem.
Receiving unacknowledged darkness can be uncomfortable though.
A few decades ago I had the fortune to interact with a well established religion in a way that awoke me to this common dynamic.
We know it as Scapegoating , it is very common, women ,gays, blacks, children,minorities everywhere have felt it.
I have even see it in my goats, if I reprimanded Petunia, now gone, she would go over to unsuspecting Primrose, also now gone, and deliver to her sudden angular momentum, I spoke of this in an earlier post.

I had put together an exhibition in the early eighties  that orbited around this darkness using the Icons of a well established religion, one I knew from the inside,as my metaphors.

The result was a sudden polarization not at all in my favour. A wonderful talented actor with great integrity said " You do not know the half of it". I had inadvertently stirred up a very nasty sexual predator ring . I chose to pull the show in the province I lived within at that time though a loyal  friend and brave artist gave me his large office space to have a one night by invitation only exhibition of the work.
The exhibition travelled nationally though it was never picked up in my region of the country. 
I did receive death threats and a lot of ignorant media coverage.
It was very interesting.

Anyways,a few weeks back I was reminded of this time so I have dug out a few clippings. Some of my critics went to prison, one died there. There victims still struggle I am sure, they blew the whistle and whistle blowers do not do well for their efforts.

My heart goes out  to them.
Honesty and integrity are often not good career move qualities.

ps, don't forget you can click on the images to enlarge them so they are readable. If you want to go to a very very uncomfortable but powerful story relating to this the link is :