Today was one of those days /daze when I had to check and see if there are still actual humans beyond my trees ,thus I packed my string bags,steel toe boots, tape measure ,welding gloves, grocery list and the keys I had to return to NSCAD.
Off to town an hour distant, do the domestic stuff and then over to the steel yard.
When I am feeling really blue the steel yard is the place for me, acres of beautiful twisted potential.
I found Gordon so I could pay off my steel tab , we shot the breeze for a few moments amidst the fascinating chaos, huge magnet cranes doing their growling dance between huge piles of steel. The men there know I think they are custodians of great beauty, we have mutual respect. Gordon asked" Hey Pete, do you need some big turnbuckles"? Where else can I buy such powerful meds for only twenty bucks.