Five years have passed since my last post, I have just had my most important birthday to date, my 70th.
How bizarre is it to be that old.
This body is like an aging spacesuit in the withering environment of time.
Five years has seen a lot of work completed, work that I am happy with.
Five years has seen a few tumultuous relationships.
Five years has found me in one that is stable, as stable as they can be.
It feels absurd to be making work that few see, few care about .
Absurd is a term we apply to that we do not understand, that which makes us anxious.
I now have a following of about a dozen crows, they awaken me early every morning for their breakfast.
They wake up my goats who are then onto me for breakfast.
These are important things.
My painting has taken a twist.
Prescient Memories is the working title of what I am at now.
Painting the absence of things , absence that we, humans , have had a hand in.
A tinge of mourning.